Asia · Five Month Trip · India · Travel

Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot – Our First Day in Delhi, India

The start of our five month trip was a disaster, we both messed up our packing and I had a mini meltdown when we boarded the plane (read about How NOT to Start Your Adventure Round the World). I thought things might improve. However, when we landed the fun continued and we were feeling hot and… Continue reading Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot – Our First Day in Delhi, India

Food · General · Travel

Backpacking with Burgers – Munching on McDonald’s 

My hubby, Mr Fluskey, has a travel quirk that most people don’t understand. He likes to eat a McDonald’s Big Mac in every new country he visits. After a long debate about this, I bent to his will. To try and alleviate my slight corporation guilt, I try to eat something from the menu that… Continue reading Backpacking with Burgers – Munching on McDonald’s