Europe · Food · Travel

That Time I was in the 10th World Pesto Championship Final

Standing in an overcrowded departure gate, waiting to board our delayed RyanAir flight to Genoa, fortune didn’t seem to be on our side. Hopefully, this would all be left behind in the UK and Italy would be a little luckier. After four months of anticipation, and zero practice, it was time for me to take… Continue reading That Time I was in the 10th World Pesto Championship Final


So, I Accidentally Entered the World Pesto Championship 2024 – Round One

Pesto is my favourite food. No, really. Green, red, artichoke, smother it on pasta, chicken or a mozzarella sandwich and I will be yours forever. Punchy flavours and fond memories, it is my comfort food. That is why, when offered the chance to Instagram a pesto event in London, I was there in a heartbeat.… Continue reading So, I Accidentally Entered the World Pesto Championship 2024 – Round One

Boats · Europe · Review · Travel

All Aboard MSC – An MSC Grandiosa Review

MSC Cruises is Italy’s foremost cruise company, running its first cruise in 1988 and growing every year. They offer some amazing value cruises around the world with lots of great extras included in the price. In January 2023 my friend (Caz) and I were lucky enough to bag a spot on MSC Grandiosa for a… Continue reading All Aboard MSC – An MSC Grandiosa Review

Europe · Food · Review · Travel

Romeo and Juliet’s Sunset Food & Wine Walking Tour in Verona

Italy is a world of culinary wonders. It is only by exploring the country and discovering the local cuisine that you realise it is still a series of states linked by a common country name. In Verona, joining a food tour is the perfect way to learn about the best of Veronese food and wine.… Continue reading Romeo and Juliet’s Sunset Food & Wine Walking Tour in Verona

Accommodation · Europe · Review · Travel

A Bed in Venice – A&O Venice Mestre Review

Venice is is known as the city of love but did you know that it ialso an awesome place to visit as a flashpacker? It is possible to find budget food, budget Aperol Spritz and even budget accommodation if you know where to look. On my Interrail trip through Europe, I stayed for two nights… Continue reading A Bed in Venice – A&O Venice Mestre Review


Amazing Arancini & Wonderful Wine – Palermo Street Food Review

Going out for a Sicilian isn’t something that we can all say we’ve done. Sure there might be the odd Sicilian dish on the menu of your local Italian but how would you know? In a bid to educate ourselves about this distinctive and delicious cuisine, my friend and I took a tour with Palermo… Continue reading Amazing Arancini & Wonderful Wine – Palermo Street Food Review

Europe · Food · Review · Travel

Cicchetti and Chats – Eatwith Venice Food Tour Review

On our first trip to Venice (way back in 2007) we were on a very tight budget. Not only that, but we were totally clueless about foodie tourism and were rubbish at researching! As a result, we ate at McDonald’s (the shame), self-catered by making seriously mediocre pasta and missed out on SO MUCH! If… Continue reading Cicchetti and Chats – Eatwith Venice Food Tour Review

Europe · Travel

Enjoy a Day in Venice – The Perfect 1 Day Venice Itinerary

The city of Venice holds a special place in the hearts of all those who have visited Italy (and even those who haven’t). The narrow streets, interlocked with opaque blue canals and classical Italian architecture creates a wonderland for those who enjoy exploring. How do you make the most of your time if you only… Continue reading Enjoy a Day in Venice – The Perfect 1 Day Venice Itinerary

Accommodation · Europe · Review · Travel

A Bed in Castel Gandolfo – Atlantis Inn B&B Review

Castel Gandolfo, Italy is probably most famous for being the location of the Pope’s summer palace. He may not live there anymore but it still attracts crowds of tourists from afar, as well as plenty of Roman’s looking for a place to escape the city heat. Whether you are coming to look around the palace,… Continue reading A Bed in Castel Gandolfo – Atlantis Inn B&B Review

Europe · Travel

Top Tips for Travelling the Amalfi Coast on a Budget

You’ve seen pictures of the Amalfi Coast and maybe you have dreamed of taking this classic road trip. It is one of the most beautiful places in Italy! You would be forgiven for thinking that it would all cost too much, however, it doesn’t have to be the case. It IS possible to see Amalfi… Continue reading Top Tips for Travelling the Amalfi Coast on a Budget

Accommodation · Europe · Review · Travel

A Fabulous Farm Stay at Agriturismo Fattoria Terranova

Sometimes, as a tourist, it is hard to interact with the destinations that you visit in a meaningful way. In Italy, however, you can really go back to Italy’s roots and take some real time to relax at an Agriturismo (a farm stay). From exploring the kitchen gardens, like we did, or rounding up goats… Continue reading A Fabulous Farm Stay at Agriturismo Fattoria Terranova