Accommodation · Europe · Review · Travel

A Bed in Birgu – Casa Birmula Review

Malta, the beautiful rocky country, surrounded by clear blue Mediterranean waters, was our first trip when travel restrictions were lifted in 2021. We had visited 8 years previously but it was a little chilly in early March and this time, I wanted to see it in the glorious summer sunshine. I thought it would be… Continue reading A Bed in Birgu – Casa Birmula Review

Europe · Review · Travel

Three Cities on Four Wheels – Rolling Geeks Review

Malta is chock full of history, beauty and unexpected delights. Valletta is the obvious first spot for sightseeing but just across the water, extending like a brownie salute into the bay, the three cities (Vittoriosa, Senglea and Cospicua) have their own highlights to explore. Walking would be absolutely exhausting, so for a fun, informative and… Continue reading Three Cities on Four Wheels – Rolling Geeks Review