Gear · Review · Travel

Ravean Down X Heated Jacket – A Review

“Becasue being cold sucks” – So reads the tagline for Ravean‘s winter gear, and I couldn’t agree more. I am a complete nightmare when I am cold and so it beggars belief that I booked a trip to northern China and Russia in January (average temperature -20°C/-29°F). Panic set in about just how miserable I… Continue reading Ravean Down X Heated Jacket – A Review

Gear · General · Review

30Seven Gloves Comfort Stretch Waterproof – A Review

Planning for our trip on the Trans-Siberia railway in Russia, I started to panic about just how cold it was going to be. I mean, -30°C is pretty cold, especially as I have always struggled keeping my hands warm. I have been wearing thick gloves, shoved deep in my pockets and still, I have had… Continue reading 30Seven Gloves Comfort Stretch Waterproof – A Review