Boats · Europe · Review · Travel

Fun on M/S Finlandia, Eckerö Line Tallinn – Helsinki Ferry Review

Telling people you are travelling to Estonia AND Finland in one trip can leave them goggle-eyed. It sounds like a great migration but did you know you can travel between them in just two and a half hours? The best way to do so is undoubtedly the Tallinn Helsinki ferry run by Eckerö Line. Join… Continue reading Fun on M/S Finlandia, Eckerö Line Tallinn – Helsinki Ferry Review

Europe · Food · Review · Travel

The Best Medieval Restaurant in Tallinn – Olde Hansa Review

A medieval theme restaurant where the waiting staff wear costumes and the menu is all very”Ye Olde”…? Anywhere else, I would say that it sounds tacky BUT….and this is a big BUT…Olde Hansa is the most intriguing restaurant in Tallinn. Sure you might end up taking a shot with one hand on your head as… Continue reading The Best Medieval Restaurant in Tallinn – Olde Hansa Review

Europe · Travel

The Perfect City Break in Tallinn – Make the Most of Tallinn in 2 Days

If you only have one weekend to dash to The Baltics, may we humbly suggest that you choose to spend your time in Tallinn. This fairytale capital is full of history and around every corner, you will find a little spot that is utterly enchanting. So, how can you make the most of Tallinn in… Continue reading The Perfect City Break in Tallinn – Make the Most of Tallinn in 2 Days