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FlyMe Maldives Review – Your Perfect Maldives Transfer

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Whether you are travelling to the Maldives for a romantic honeymoon, a once-in-a-lifetime treat, or because you just can’t stay away, you will want the trip to be as easy and relaxing as possible. This is where our FlyMe Maldives review comes in. We believe you should check out FlyMe for your perfect Maldives transfers.

FlyMe Maldives Review – Your Perfect Maldives Transfer Airline

FlyMe Villa Air will help create seamless transfers from Malé International Airport to your resort destination. They arrange the flights, the transport to the port and then your boat transfer to whichever island you are bound for.

propeller of a flyme ATR 72-500 plane

Airport Experience

Arriving at Malé, our flight was delayed and so we were in quite a flap. Luckily, the domestic terminal is just a two minute walk away from the international one!

There were only two people in front of us in the queue and so ten minutes after picking up our bag, we were heading through security. Check in was super quick, the desk clerk was perfectly pleasant, and we got seats next to each other, no questions asked. Brilliant.

FlyMe boarding pass inside a red UK Passport

Getting through security was fast and emerging into the small departure lounge, we could see why. It was a very small room. Most of these small domestic flights take off in the morning (to connect with the international flights) and so it was relatively busy. We got seats quickly, before they were snapped up by a large tour group, and waited for our flight to be called.

We were called fifteen minutes later, and stepped out into the glorious sunshine to climb the tiny set of stairs up and into the plane.

Flyme ATR 72-500 on the tarmac as passengers board the rear door
FlyMe for your perfect Maldives transfers
planes parked at Male International Airport, Maldives
Ready for take off
Tailfin of Flyme ATR 72-500 plane
Villa Air 68 seater ATR 72-500 aircraft

Check out all our flight reviews including Edelweiss Air from Zurcich to Malé, Emirates and British Airways


The interior was nice and bright. Despite the sun shining through the windows, they had the lights on which made quite a difference. We have been on similar planes that have seemed quite dull in comparison.

The air conditioning wasn’t very strong. I loved the warmth but I know that some people, dressed in their winter clothes from their first flights were too warm. Pop your shorts or skirt on, and you’ll be grand!

Interior of Flyme ATR 72-500 plane


The cabin was quite small, but had two seats either side. They were covered in navy blue leatherette with FlyMe Villa Air head protectors.

Flyme headrest cover in ATR 72-500 plane
Headrest cover
Seat back and tray table of Flyme ATR 72-500 plane

There was a small extendable tray table and below it, a seat back pocket containing the safety information. We were SO curious to find out what the special instructions were for Chinese passengers!

Safety instructions card of Flyme ATR 72-500 plane

The seats were comfortable, but then it was just a short flight. They had great leg room, but the arm rests could be too slim if you didn’t know your neighbour.

Leg room of Flyme ATR 72-500 plane
Leg room


The overhead lockers were reasonably-sized but not huge. Don’t expect to put all your bags up there.

Overhead locker of Flyme ATR 72-500 plane

Instead, put your smaller belongings under the seat in front. The design of the chair legs means that it is only the small things that will fit under there.

Under the seat of Flyme ATR 72-500 plane


OK, so there is no seat back screen, or even a communal one, but that isn’t why these flights are so cool. They are short, and fly relatively low, just 3000 feet. The entertainment lies in the lovely views you will get out of the window. This is why you use FlyMe for your perfect Maldives transfers!

Hulhumalé island, Maldives from the sky
The island of Hulhumalé. Can you spot the whirring propeller blades?
Furanafushi Island, Maldives from the sky
I mean, the bays in the Maldives are just to die for!

Planning a trip to the Maldives? Check out our Kihaa Maldives review

The other entertainment, and it is one of the things I can’t get across to you very well in a blog post, is the fantastic FlyMe Villa Air theme song. It made us smile every time we heard it. They also played gentle music during the flight. I really liked it, it made it all feel very relaxed.


Being a twenty minute flight, we weren’t expecting any kind of food service. We were pleasantly surprised when they came round with little butterscotch sweets. It really is the little unexpected things that delight us.

The Bus

After we disembarked and picked up our bags, we made our way through the exit doors of Dharavandhoo Airport. There were two buses ready and waiting. One was for passengers, the other for luggage. Both were marked with the words “Villa Air”. Don’t panic, this is part of FlyMe so they are for you!

Now you know what we are like, we just kept hold of our hand luggage-sized backpacks and boarded the passenger bus for the five minute drive to the port.

Tourists queue to board a minibus with their hand luggage in the Maldives

The Boat

Shiny, white speedboats bobbed in the harbour, ready to whisk separate groups of people to their resorts. We stepped aboard a boat with a few others who were off to a different resort. They would drop us off on the way. It took just five minutes and then we were there!

A speedboat sitting in blue sea in the Maldives
It was so tempting to just jump straight in that gorgeous water!

On our return journey we had the boat to ourselves. It felt like such a luxury to have the boat all to ourselves. The crew were friendly and slightly bemused by our lack of luggage…but that’s just how we roll!

Final Thoughts

The flight back to Malé was smooth, very much the same as our flight out. The main difference was watching the sun burst across the morning sea. It was a real treat.

A Flyme ATR 72-500 plane on the tarmac with passengers boarding
A view from a plane of the Maldives in the morning sun
  • If you are looking to book transfers with FlyMe Villa Air, visit their website here.
  • FlyMe Villa Air has two main routes; Malé to Dharavandhoo (Baa Atoll or Malé to Maamigili (South Ari Atoll). They are looking at expanding their route options.
  • They have now acquired a sea plane which you can use for whale shark spotting tours. It is used to help the Maldives Whale Shark Research Programme with research too!

We thought that FlyMe Villa Air was a really easy and enjoyable company to deal with. It would have been really tricky to organise separate flight and boat tickets, with a very hot, sweaty, unpleasant walk from the airport to the port thrown in. Although it is not the height of luxury, it is friendly and easy service. We believe it would be a great choice to pick FlyMe for your perfect Maldives transfers.

We were guests of FlyMe Villa Air but this is an unbiased review, and all my opinions are my own.

Rosie xx

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14 thoughts on “FlyMe Maldives Review – Your Perfect Maldives Transfer

  1. I would love to go to the Maldives one day and FlyMe seems like a perfect transfer idea. This is the first time I am reading a post about FlyMe as I haven’t used their services. However, this is definitely going to change, especially now after reading your post!

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