Europe · Flights · Review · Travel

The New Normal in Air Travel – Flying British Airways from London Heathrow to Rome Fiumicino

For travel bloggers and travel addicts alike, the day the UK government announced its list of Covid-19 quarantine exempt countries was like a starting gun. Vague travel plans were immediately fixed and flights hurriedly booked. Just five days later, Mr Fluskey and I donned our face masks and backpacks ready for an Italian escape. Of… Continue reading The New Normal in Air Travel – Flying British Airways from London Heathrow to Rome Fiumicino

Flights · Review · Travel

A Review of British Airways A320-200 Economy LGW – FNC

British Airways is the UK’s flagship carrier. If you were around in the 1990s, it probably conjures up images of pearls, leather seats and in the background a sweet rendition of Aria on Air. However, in recent years, British Airways has changed. They have bought in lots of new initiatives and cost cutting efforts (do… Continue reading A Review of British Airways A320-200 Economy LGW – FNC