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Tranquility Spa at The Club Barbados – A Review

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How can you make a relaxing stay at a relaxing resort even more relaxing? On a recent trip to Barbados, that challenge was taken up by the friendly and talented staff of The Tranquility Spa at The Club Barbados. This is a full run down (or is that rub down) of the experience.

We were hosted by The Club Barbados but all opinions are entirely our own.

The Tranquility Spa

Tucked at the back of the resort, towards the road that runs up Barbados’ west coast, the spa doesn’t make a song and dance of itself. It lines a driveway that snakes around to the guest car park, but the unassuming building is a different world inside.

Check out our full review of The Club Barbados.

Our Arrival at The Tranquility Spa

Before we could indulge in our full-body couples massage, there was a little admin time be done. The receptionist signed us in and gave us a couple of waiver forms. This was all pretty standard and thankfully we didn’t have any conditions that stopped us from enjoying a treatment.

How NOT To Prepare for Your Treatment

We had JUST stepped off the boat from our turtle tour, during which, we got horribly sunburnt. (read about the turtle tour here). The rain had been constant for almost two days and so when the sun did finally make an appearance, we just didn’t quite believe it would last. Despite slathering one factor 50, we had left it too late and paid for our carelessness with ruby red skin that was agony the next day!

A GoPro selfie with two soggy fluskeys clutching champagne on the boat.
Getting pink

But back to the spa…

How You SHOULD Prepare For Your Treatment

The receptionist showed us through to the sizeable changing rooms. We asked how undressed we should get, and her reply made me giggle like a schoolgirl.”To your comfort level”.

I couldn’t help but wonder if anyone had gone in for their massage fully clothed.

Mr Fluskey head for the male changing room and I had a wander around the women’s in my provided bathrobe and slippers.

There was a small sauna and steam room in the corner but with the heat and humidity outside, I didn’t feel the need to jump in.

After a few mirror selfies (because…robe) I realised just how red I was becoming. The heat began to rise from my shoulders and I began to wonder just how stupid we had been.

I padded outside to meet Mr Fluskey and our host looking a bit sheepish, and increasingly pink.

Read all about our travels in gorgeous Barbados

The Relaxation Zone

Just up the stairs, a pleasantly air-conditioned area with relaxing spa music, and flavoured water awaited us. There were day beds by the wall and we lounged here for a couple of minutes as they prepped the treatment room.

The Room

Yet more spa music drifted through the darkened space along with the distinctive aroma of calming essential oils. Two beds lay parallel to each other, covered in white sheets and towels. We were asked to disrobe and lie down with the towels covering our bodies.

I always find it slightly disconcerting when I hear Mr Fluskey’s spa therapist saying the same thing as mine at slightly different times. This really isn’t the space to feel competitive, is it?

The Massage

Our massages began, and it was exactly what I had hoped for. The Swedish massage, with enough pressure to relieve tension, but not enough to leave you sore, was perfect.

The therapists were both very calming and had a good sense of humour. I always struggle to be entirely serious in these situations. It might be something to do with the fact I am in my undies. Thankfully, they took every stupid joke with a gentle chuckle but were very professional with it.

The Afterglow

The massage left is very blissed out, so much so that I didn’t realise just how much pain I was in. We guzzled some nice, cold water before going back to the dressing rooms. It was as I peeled the dressing gown from my shoulders that the heat and pain of the sunburn really began to assert itself. I slathered myself in moisturiser and carefully put my clothes back on over my tender epidermis.


If you are thinking of indulging in some spa time, here is some information you might like to know:

Final Thoughts on Our Treatment at Tranquillity Spa

I am still conflicted about the massage. It was so lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but it probably didn’t help the sunburn at all. Overall, I think it was worth it but I need to ensure I am not such an idiot again!

If however, you are not roasted by the Caribbean sun, we can highly recommend treating yourself to some spa time here. The therapists were kind, funny and very professional. The space was a world away from the road outside, and they did everything possible to make us as comfortable as we cud be. We came out relaxed, refreshed and…red.

Rosie xx

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